Recently you were
featured in the The Music Buzz around
Clear Lake film. Can you tell us how that came about and anything
interesting that happened while filming?

You are described as a band that provokes thought. Let’s jump into that statement. Do you have a specific message? What topics do your lyrics cover?
Oh man, that a big umbrella to try to stuff everything
under. If you really get down reading the lyrics to some of our songs you'll
notice a strong trend of individualism, rising above, standing against the
grain, etc.. But you've got to understand I wrote those themed songs through
some rough times in the military. I've started to shift that theme slightly
more towards other prospects as of late. I know I got into punk rock and
skateboarding at a very young age because it was the niche I finally felt
like I belonged in that would accept me for who I was. Shit, I always had
problems with authority throughout my childhood. I mean I really try to
emphasize the theme of self improvement as well in a lot of my songs, and
sometimes that means throwing up the finger and standing your ground no matter
what it takes. I really want to open people's eyes to stagnant situations in
society which have become the status quo due to the lack of
individualism. People need to stop letting the media define them and the
social circles they so badly desire to be a part of. Let you be you. My motto
in life is "My progression, not your perfection."
On your Bandcamp page you have the In Progress We Trust EP. What is next for new releases?
On your Bandcamp page you have the In Progress We Trust EP. What is next for new releases?
Well that EP was supposed to be 5 songs released months ago,
but unfortunately we learned the lesson of backing up your computer during
recording month the hard way. So long story short, we finished one song and had
recorded the instrumentals for the rest of them right before our recording
computer crashed. However, it made us a lot more focused on practice and
writing new songs so I'm kinda glad it happened now. Actually, we are in the
process of finishing our 5 song EP in the next 5-6 weeks. But don't be
surprised if we start leaking new songs here and there on our FB page for shits
and giggles though. We currently have about 9 songs in our current setlist but
have damn near 20 other completely untouched songs that I've already written.
We wish there were more hours in the day to speed up this whole process!

You played your first show in March of this year. Since then it looks like you’ve been on a great stint of live outings. Can you give some insight of how you got things rolling?

You played your first show in March of this year. Since then it looks like you’ve been on a great stint of live outings. Can you give some insight of how you got things rolling?
Okay so that's a long story, but I am going to do my best to
paraphrase. I've been an on and off musician for a long time but only started
songwriting almost as a form of therapy a few years back. Then shortly after
moving here to Texas
last Summer I got the news that my childhood best friend (who I learned to
skate and play punk rock with) had passed away. So I put an old demo of
one of my songs online one night and got a phone call from James and the rest
of the guys saying they were aiming in the same direction of my music style.
That was back during the weekend of Skatestock |||. Initially, we had another
lead guitarist, Edwin, but his pomade business (Pomps Not Dead) took off right
after we formed so we found his replacement, Christian, about 2-3 weeks later.
Honestly, since then we just practice and songwrite as much as possible. But we
all feel incredibly blessed that there is such a strong and growing punk rock
community here in Houston .
I mean, that's why we keep on coming out to jam with all our homies. We would
not be anywhere near where we are now if it weren't for our badass friends/fans.
You are described as a skate punk band. Do all members skate? Give some history on what created the passion for skating.
You are described as a skate punk band. Do all members skate? Give some history on what created the passion for skating.
Well skateboarding is literally #1 in my life. It has given me so much in life that I feel like I will not ever be able to repay it. The opportunities it has given me are endless. Shit, I know I've made international friends all over the world due to skateboarding. I've been skating myself for about 14 years now and have never really stopped. I also have no plans of ever stopping. I mean when you quit skating your practically quit living. That's how I personally feel on the subject. As far as the other guys, most of them skate. I know Jack and Jeremy have been skating on and off for ages and skate more now since we've met, and well Christian (our newest member and lead guitarist) is an absolute shredder. Crazy thing is that we met him at the skatepark when all of us went out skating one day. After seeing how he tore the park up on a 9 inch board I knew he was gonna be in the band before we even heard him pick up a guitar. Luckily he emulates his shredding on the guitar the same way he does on a skateboard.

Does the name Shut Out have any specific significance?
The great thing about our name is it has a broad meaning and can mean an array of different things to each individual. Initially, it came from the idea of feeling like our voices are not heard in the way our country is ran. We're told that we live in a Democracy but that seems like a false claim most of the time. Sure we have the right to vote and what not, but who is really making the big decisions you know? I hate getting into politics so I'll stop myself there, but other meanings to the name I feel strongly about exist as well. Such as the fact that the general consensus of the world we live in seems to frown upon those who speak up against the grain. Oh and it's a coined soccer term as well. Let's go Dynamo!
Feel free to say
anything I left out…
Thanks for taking the time to talk to me and we really look
forward to tearing shit up with Khobretti and Hogs of War in June!