Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minch, A Perfect Noise!

Minch’s first two EPs on Seraphic Decay Records are nothing short of perfect. Insane blasting noise, I really do mean insane. This is not grindcore, it is noise in the purest form. There are no drums, a Whirlpool 5-Cycle dryer is used for percussion. It is very obvious on the recording.
Before internet, one had to read fanzines or just guess what bands were worth checking out. As for buying a 7 inch vinyl the risk was not so high. If the band sucked, $2 to $3 down the drain, no big deal. So any EP with a sick cover would usually win me over.
The year was 91 or 92, somewhere around that time. Back when Sound Exchange was still on Westheimer (for you Houston people). There I found the first Minch EP. It was released on Seraphic Decay, a known purveyor of heavy releases. On yellow vinyl, with a cut and paste cover, I assumed it was some sort of death grind. From the first play I could not contain my laughter. The comical screaming and beating on the dryer, both compliment one another perfectly. To an untrained ear, it sounds like an amalgamation of shit. However, to me the juvenile approach is gold.
Shortly after that I found their second EP “America’s Most Wanted”. The mugshot covered yellow insert was great. Pressed on bubblegum colored vinyl, made it a nice collectable. The thank you list inside is an exhaustive enumeration of just about every underground mutilated band of the time. It reminded me of an old Impetigo thanks list.
There is really no reason for this post. Recently I was listening to both records and had an urge to write something about them. I know since then they have released other things, plus a discography CD, but these first two are all I need. Listen to the insanity below:

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