***Originally printed in Feral Noise #1***
Zvs: You are correct. The name Plutonian Shore comes directly from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven". Poe's writings delve a great deal into the supernatural and hidden realms, which we naturally resonate with. Pluto Corresponds to the Ruling God of the underworld, death and rebirth. We interpret "Plutonian Shore " as the Shores of the underworld. Upon forming this band we had intended to instill a name that would parallel our etheric sound.
Dread Lair recently released your great split with Humut Tabal. Where you satisfied with the final product? In your opinion, how does it compare with the full length “Ave Mysterium”?
Zvs: Oaths ov Stygian Dusk was originally intended to be a three way split. The original plan was to put forth one track per band. When the third band decided to back out, we decided to create an atmospheric/meditation track that would open the gates as an introduction into this split. If time had allowed, we would have preferred to add one more track. Regardless of this we are very pleased with the final outcome, and feel Humut Tabal was the perfect fit for this split. In comparison to Ave Mysterium, these tracks went a lot more smoothly recording wise, as we have greatly improved in our technical abilities to handle a studio environment. As with all of the tracks in Ave Mysterium, the two tracks for the split seemed to manifest themselves in a very short amount of time, which we were successfully able to organize amongst our members and release to meet our agreed timeline. The content of our entire body of work thus far relates directly to our fascination and study of occult knowledge.
Zvs: All of the music is composed by Amethyst moon, Devastation and myself. We rehearse the material heavily for several months before we even attempt to record. Our first album was recorded entirely on a Korg D4 four track recorder, but for our recording of the split Oaths of Stygian Dusk as well as our upcoming album Lunar Rites, we invested more into computer software to handle the task. Our instruments are all recorded individually beginning with the guitar, then drums, followed with the keys and bass with vocals almost always last. At this point in time we wish to approach Plutonian Shore as a strictly DIY entity, with the exception of possibly outsourcing for mastering purposes.
As you mentioned above, the atmospheric track “Unicursal Mediation” was included on the split, which I thought was a great intro to the CD. Upon my first listen it reminded me of an old Italian horror movie score. After a few listens it brought me closer to the soundtrack of the 1979 mutant bear horror movie Prophecy (*Not the more recent series of films with Christopher Walken). Give us your point of view in what you where trying to create?
Zvs: The goal of the Unicursal Meditation was to specifically serve as a symbolic opening into the sonic ritual that is this split album. We wanted to capture a feeling that our doors of perception and the veil between worlds has been opened. We chose the symbol of the unicursal as our personal homage into the study of Thelemic Magick. This also serves as a small taste of what is to come. It is our goal in the future to release a limited series of atmospheric meditation tracks similar to this, specifically for entering the ritualistic state of mind. I have never heard but am very curious to hear the score to the Prophecy.
Now that the split CD has been out for a while, what is next? Are there any other special releases on the horizon?
Zvs: The main goal at this point in time is to see the release of Lunar Rites before years end. Another split release is in the works for the middle of 2012.
Your bio states the band was created in 2010. Since then you have accomplished quite a bit in a short period of time. That says a lot about all of the member’s motivation. What has kept that fire to succeed burning so hot? What are your long and short term goals? Bands seem to start up and fade away very quickly. Most of our members have over ten years of experience in a band environment. With the knowledge acquired from past failures to succeed, we have managed to prioritize what we wish to accomplish and carry it out full force. The main goal of this band is to create music we want to hear. There is a certain magick all bands strive for, and can only be achieved when the perfect chemistry of members is implemented. Long term goals would be travel outside the country to perform and release a large body of work we can be proud of in the future.
In the live setting your visual stage presence nicely compliments the dark tone of your music. Do you feel image is just as important as the music? We thank you for your opinion. With Plutonian Shore , our image is not a gimmick, that we use for shock value. We feel it is necessary process to express our music by shedding our outer ego to reach a ritualistic state of mind. Much in comparison as a shaman would to receive divine intervention. The music itself would loose much of its intensity without our visual atmosphere.
Yes I agree, your music and the image go hand in hand. I could not imagine seeing a Plutonian Shore gig without that atmosphere. Has corpse paint been used since day one or was it something you migrated to later?
Zvs: Even in the early stages of writing music before ever performing live, we had all agreed to use corpse paint for every show, with no exception.
Over the years San Antonio has gained a formidable reputation of having a great metal scene. Did you grow up in this city? If so, give us a small glimpse of the scene of yesteryear.
Zvs: I can only speak back to about 2008 which isn't that long ago, and not much has changed.
Speaking of your scene, what other bands in your area are worth checking out? Most people know of HOD, but what are some of the new upcoming groups?
Zvs: The bands that come to mind from San Antonio are Butchered Saint, Emperial Massacre, Angel Flesh, without a doubt Hod, and Sturmgewehr. Xapharon from Corpus Christi are also an excellent live entity, as well as our brothers in Humut Tabal. I also would like to mention the young band from Laredo Divison Black Noise, who I recently brought up for theyre first out of town show ever. They blew San Antonio away with there huge sound and I expect great things from them in the future.
I find your logo appealing and memorable. To me, it has a dark, artistic feel that still allows the band’s name to be legible. Please explain the thoughts in creating it? Who is the inventor? For this logo we had drawn out a rough draft of ideas that included a symbolic tree of life motif, a unicursal hexagram and the alchemical symbol for the planet Pluto. We wanted not only a literal tree formed from the name Plutonian Shore with the branches growing out the top of the letters and the roots growing out the bottom respectively, but interweaved the Qabalistic tree of life as well. This symbolically shows the basis to which our study into the hidden paths begin. The finished artwork which you are familiar with was illustrated by the mastermind and lord or logos himself, Christophe Szpajdel.
I will now conclude this interview by saying thanks for your time. Please give any final thoughts or contact information.
Zvs: We appreciate the support and thank you for the interview. Many Hails Find us at www.reverbnation.com/plutonianshore
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