You are constantly out in the scene checking out new bands. It’s obvious that you have a passion for music. When and what sparked this obsession?
I’m not really sure to be honest. I’ve always loved music. Growing up my Dad was the song leader at the church, my folks forced me to! My Mom had me in 4 dance classes a week, trying to burn my hyper energy!
Can you give us some insight of your process in organizing a
show (talking with the bands/venues, promotion, etc)?

This is a continuation of the previous question. What you do
is considered being in the music business. However, it could be called the
“people” business due to the fact you have to deal with many different
personalities. What’s your approach in that department?
I treat everyone the same. Granted, there have been a
handful of occasions I had to get the fan girl out of me before I met th
em face
to face. I’m honest and truthful with the bands. I’ll do whatever I can that’s
in my reach to help. Such as find contacts wherever they are trying to go, or a
spot to crash, and I’ve helped a handful find a venue for their show. I’m down
for the cause, and nowadays most realize that. Occasionally some mistake my friendliness
and helpfulness for something else and start flirting. But I’ve learned when
that does happen to, again, just be honest and usually tell them ‘I just want
to book your band’. However, other than the creepiness sometimes, I haven’t had
too many personality conflicts.

How many shows a month do you usually book and what have
been some of your favorites?
Back home being at a venue it was every weekend, usually 2
shows per weekend. But, I had to book all genres. Here in
What are your favorite venues and why?
Rudyards is my favorite. It’s home away from home. Even
though everyone complains about the stairs of death, everyone wants to play
there. It’s a pretty chill environment. I actually like the creepiness of Super Happy
Fun Land ,
it’s pretty creepy with all those doll eyes looking at you!
There was a point in time when there actually was a pretty
damn good scene over there. But once Jimmy Soul and Chuck Dorian moved from the
area (yes I totally called y’all out...) it started to die down.
Final thoughts?
I love doing what I do. I never imagined I would get all
this love! Or so many would know who I am! I’ve had to make a lot of
sacrifices, but I can’t imagine not doing this. I’m in love with the Houston punk scene, and
very proud and honored to be a part of it.
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